Hill of Gold - Inora

Send comments and/or criticism to Simon E. Phipp
Created On 5 January 1999
Last Updated On 10 September 2002
Copyright (c) Simon E. Phipp 1999

This is Inora's version of the Hill of Gold Quest.

See also:
Hill of Gold Overview
Yelmalio at the Hill of Gold
Zorak Zoran at the Hill of Gold
Orlanth at the Hill of Gold
Inora (Full Version)
Inora (Riddling Version)
Inora (Wagering Version)


This Queen of Winter dwelt in the Mountain Tops and at one stage covered the lands of Saird, Dragon Pass and Dagori Inkarth with her power. She had many Palaces, one of which was on Winter Hill in Saird. There she would sit, watching the world and accepting suitors who tried to win her heart.

One day, four suitors came, three she knew and one who was a stranger.

First came Zorak Zoran who gave her a feast of delectable morsels and asked her permission to hunt on her Palace Grounds. Inora ate the morsels but her Heart was cold and she laughed at him, the tinkling sound echoing on the icicles above. Enraged, Zorak Zoran grabbed her and wrestled her so that he was inside her, but her heart was unmoved and she wrapped him in her Dread Embrace and the Chill turned his flesh to glass, penetrating even his bones. His manhood was so cold it shrivelled up and tinkled against his thigh when he walked. Afterwards, Inora brought forth a tribe of Snow Trolls who guarded her Palace from foes.

Next came Orlanth, Storm King, who wanted Inora as his Winter Queen even thought they shared the same mother., but that was all right because Heort had not yet spoken that law. He roared into the Palace wielding his new Lightning Spear and boasting of his conquests. He gave his sister a gift of a suit of bright Armour and rushed to embrace her, but when she turned away he forced her to the floor, blew into her ear and whispered that if she would not accept him he would take her anyway. Inora's Heart was of Ice and she turned away. As Orlanth wrestled with her, he felt his beard freeze and pulled away, ashamed at hurting her and afraid of being frozen. They agreed not to bother each other in future. Afterwards, Inora's daughter Snowdrift was born and she used her father's Winds to deepen the snows in her home.

Next came Yelmalio the most handsome god, although he had been stripped and sorely wounded. He came to seek shelter and to rest and his defencelessness and vulnerability turned Inora's Heart. She reached out to embrace him so that his last remaining spark of life would melt her heart but he pulled away and desired her not. Inora grabbed the naked god and drew him to her, but to no avail, he had been robbed of all that he had and could only hang on to his Chastity, so he was a limp plaything for her. Enraged, she threw her Chills and Snows at him, forcing him to flee from her Palace, taking his Bright Cloak with which she covered her body, becoming dazzling in beauty.

Finally came Evil who she had never seen. Nasty, biting creatures ripped at her, threatening to devour her, but their teeth slid off the Bright Armour that she wore. She looked deep within herself and used the Dazzling Cloak to blind them, the Snow Drifts to bury them and the Snow trolls to eat them. Thus did Inora defeat the Evil that is Chaos.

The Quest

The Stations on the Quest

The Inora Hill of Gold Quest has Four Stations: Zorak Zoran, Orlanth, Yelmalio and Chaos.

Zorak Zoran

Inora resists Zorak Zoran's advances and gains his protection.

Zorak Zoran gives Inora a gift and try to gain a gift from Inora by force. Usually this means a wrestling match with her, often resulting in an attempt to mate with her. If Inora rolls below her Lust Trait, then she is willing to mate, otherwise the attempt is a rape. Often the Zorak Zoran cultist leaves behind his bodyguard here as her protection.


This ensures that Inora is not killed by Zorak Zorani. It ensures that she is given protection in return for a gift of Protection from Fire - the Ice Armour - or a similar gift. Some Human Zorak Zorani use this as a means to seduce Inora cultists, but they are rare.


Orlanth must give Inora a gift and try to persuade her to marry him. Inora must resist this and gain a gift from Orlanth.

Orlanth must give Inora a gift of Yelmalio's armour or something of equal value. He must then try to persuade her to marry him. Whatever happens, if Inora rolls beneath he Chaste Trait she will not agree to marry him. If Orlanth gave her a gift of the armour then she will agree not to harm his people or to harm him, otherwise she will chase him away with Snow and Ice. Orlanth gives her a Wind Control spell as a gift here.


This gives Inora Heroic Casting of Snow and Ice magics and allows her to force Orlanthi to leave her alone. However, she must leave them alone in return.


Yelmalio comes here to drive back Winter and Inora sees his beauty and her heart begins to warm. She must try to seduce him.

If Yelmalio has his Fire he is immune to Inora's Cold. If Yelmalio has his Armour he is immune to her weapons. If he has his weapons or Fire then he may attempt to defeat her otherwise he attempts to survive. If Yelmalio defeats Inora then she must not affect his people for a year and a day. Inora must try to seduce him by matching her APP against his Chaste trait. If she succeeds then he gives her protection which is normally either a child or a bodyguard and she returns his armour to him. If he resists, she drives him into the Cold and freezes him almost to death. If he was gelded before, she must try twice to seduce him.


This allows the Inora cultist to break her normalIcy Nature and try to seduce a Yelmalian.It is sometimes used to marry Light Cultists. It gives Heroic Casting of Ice and Snow powers to freeze Yelmalio if the seduction fails.


Inora is attacked by Evil who would destroy her, but she is protected by the gifts the others brought to her.

Inora may use any of the gifts that were given to her during the Quest. If she has Yelmalio's Bright Armour she can use Shield and Protection heroically, if she has the Snow Trolls then they will fight for her, if she has the cloak of brilliance then she can use Dazzle Heroically.

She is faced by a number of Chaos Creatures, the number varies but always starts from a base. For every Station she loses the number of Chaos Creatures is increased by the base number. So, if the Base Number is 3 and the Questor loses to Zorak Zoran and Yelmalio then she is faced by 9 Creatures of Chaos, 3 for Zorak Zoran, 3 for Yelmalio and 3 to start off with. At this stage, she will still have the unhealed wounds she gained on the earlier stations. Bear in mind that each of the Chaos Beasts should be at approximately the same level as the Questor - often Chaotic HeroQuestors will perform the Hill of Gold and will face Yelmalio, Inora, Orlanth and Zorak Zoran.


This gives Inora the Heroic Casting of the spells above. However, it means that she willbe faced by hordes of Chaos.

Hill of Gold - Inora (Riddling Version)

See also:
Hill of Gold Overview
Yelmalio at the Hill of Gold
Zorak Zoran at the Hill of Gold
Orlanth at the Hill of Gold
Inora (Full Version)
Inora (Wagering Version)

Zorak Zoran

Inora resists Zorak Zoran's advances and gains his protection.

Inora must riddle with Zorak Zoran. If she wins, she must gains a weapon of some kind.

If she loses she gives protection from fire, perhaps an Extinguish spell. In any case, she gains something as a gift.


Orlanth must give Inora a gift and try to persuade her to marry him. Inora must resist this and gain a gift from Orlanth.

If Orlanth has Yelmalio's Armour he must offer it to her, otherwise he must give another gift to her. He must then riddle her for her to marry him. If she answers the riddle she will not marry him. If he fails to answer her riddle she will not marry him. The loser of any riddle round must give the winner a gift.


Yelmalio comes here to drive back Winter and Inora sees his beauty and her heart begins to warm. She must try to seduce him.

Inora must riddle with Yelmalio.

If he was beaten by Zorak Zoran then defeat means he capitulated to her charms.

If he was not defeated by Zorak Zoran then defeat means he must Riddle again with results as if he had been defeated.

If Inora wins then she must give Yelmalio his Bright Armour or a similar gift if Orlanth has not given her the armour. If she loses then she may not bother his people for a year and a day.


Inora is attacked by Evil who would destroy her, but she is protected by the gifts the others brought to her.

Inora must ask one of the Riddles that the other Questors asked her. She continues until all the riddles have been asked.

Hill of Gold - Inora (Wagering Version)

See also:
Hill of Gold Overview
Yelmalio at the Hill of Gold
Zorak Zoran at the Hill of Gold
Orlanth at the Hill of Gold
Inora (Full Version)
Inora (Riddling Version)

Zorak Zoran

Inora resists Zorak Zoran's advances and gains his protection.

Inora wagers her Ice Armour which is Protection from Fire and only lasts until the Yelmalio stage. Zorak Zoran wagers his Protection, either a spell or a promise of later service.


Orlanth must give Inora a gift and try to persuade her to marry him. Inora must resist this and gain a gift from Orlanth.

Orlanth must give up the armour he gained from Yelmalio or give up something else if he gained no armour. He must then wager a bride gift against Inora's promise to leave his people alone or her promise not to harm him.


Yelmalio comes here to drive back Winter and Inora sees his beauty and her heart begins to warm. She must try to seduce him.

If Inora gained the bright Armour from Orlanth, she must wager that. If Yelmalio has any of his weapons or armour left he must wager those otherwise he wagers his Bright Cloak. If Yelmalio runs out of Wagers then Inora wages her Beauty against Yelmalio's Chastity.


Inora is attacked by Evil who would destroy her, but she is protected by the gifts the others brought to her.

Inora must wager one of the things she was given earlier in the Quest. Chaos wagers some exotic power or ability. The Wagers continue until chaos has nothing to wager or retires.
